Volunteer Service/Work Hours

Volunteer Services | Centennial Hills Hospital

Volunteer or Paid Work Hours for Bright Futures

To access an award through the Bright Futures program, a student must complete a program of volunteer service hours AND/OR paid work hours, as approved by the school district (Florida Statute 1009.534). 

Volunteer Service Hours

Requirements for students engaging in volunteer service hours.
Volunteer service is an altruistic, uncompensated volunteer effort that benefits the community and/or special
populations. The high school student must be considered capable of representing the school well in the community site; be capable of participating in activities off-campus without the direct supervision of school personnel; be able to arrange their own transportation to and from the site.

How do I ensure that my volunteer service hours will be accepted?

• Students must complete the Volunteer Service/Paid Work Hours Work Plan and submit it for approval to their school counselor at the school site prior to beginning the service.
• Students should keep copies of all documentation that is submitted to the school.
• Student volunteer service hours are required to be documented on the district log sheet, signed by the
student, the student’s parent or guardian, accompanied by organization documentation on agency
letterhead stating student hours, dates of service and service activities.
• Students shall evaluate and reflect upon their experience through papers or other presentations.
• Projects done during the summer before beginning 9th grade will be considered after student has been promoted to 9th grade and if a Work Plan is submitted and approved by the high school the student plans to attend.
• Students must perform the service during non-school hours.
All volunteer service hour documentation must be submitted by the school’s graduation date.

Hours not acceptable for Volunteer Service:

• Family-related activities or service to family members, defined as: parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and spouses, including all step relations.
• Hours that are compensated either financially or with some other material benefit (including grades).
• Court mandated community service.
• Service for the sole benefit of a religious house of worship and/or its congregation. Activities sponsored by these organizations that benefit the community (mission trips, community cleanup events, vacation bible school) are acceptable for Bright Futures.
• Co-curricular activities that are course requirements.
• An activity where there is no leader or responsible adult on site to evaluate and confirm student performance.
• Donations (ex. blood, Locks of Love, monetary contributions)


Paid Work Hours

What is paid work experience?

• Employment completed through a business with an established Federal ID number.
• Work hours completed during high school that are properly documented via pay stubs.

How do I ensure that my paid work hours will be accepted?

• Students must complete the Volunteer Service/Paid Work Hours Work Plan and submit it for approval to their school counselor at the school site prior to beginning the work hours.
• Students should keep copies of all documentation that is submitted to the school.
• Student work hours are required to be documented on the district log sheet, signed by the student, the student’s parent or guardian, accompanied by pay stubs from a business with an established Federal ID number.
• Students shall evaluate and reflect upon their experience through papers or other presentations.
• Students must perform the hours during non-school hours.
• Work hours must be earned during grades 9-12.
All paid work hours documentation must be submitted by the school’s graduation date.

Volunteer service and paid work hours may be combined for the purpose of meeting Bright Futures requirements but must total 100 no matter which level of Bright Futures that you are aiming for.

Bright Futures volunteer service hours or student work hours that have been completed and validated using these guidelines as defined by s. 1009.534, F.S. will be posted on the District student information system and appear on the student transcript. Students are encouraged to document volunteer service hours for purposes other than the Bright Futures scholarship on their personal resumes or portfolios and these hours shall not be posted on the District student information system or appear on the student transcript.


Steps for Documenting Hours for Bright Futures

Please remember that we cannot enter hours for Bright Futures until all items below are submitted. Only 100 hours of either volunteer service or work can be submitted on a student's transcript. Students should complete these steps for each organization that they volunteer or work with. 

Before you begin your volunteer service or work hours for the purposes of Bright Futures you must first complete step 1. 

1. Work Plan

Please fill out the Work Plan Form and submit it into the google form by clicking above. 

While you are volunteering or working, please keep track of your own log of hours. 

2. Hours Log

Click above to obtain a copy of the hours log. 

 Remember, you need to submit a hours log (need for both community service and work hour), a letter from the organization on letterhead (community service hours) or paycheck stubs (work hours), along with your reflection.

Letter from Organization/Paycheck Stubs

Submit the letter on letterhead from the organization that you volunteered at or your paycheck stubs with your reflection.


Submit your final reflection and upload your hours log and letter/paycheck stubs to the google form by clicking above.  

*Printed Copies of the Work Plan Form and the Hours Log are available with your school counselor. 


Complete LCSD Volunteer/Work Hours Packet



Not sure where to volunteer? 

FGCU Community Service Database

Need a VIRTUAL volunteering opportunity?

Generation On
Volunteer Match
All for the Good
Do Something

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