The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) is a nationally recognized academic competition created exclusively for JROTC students. Cadets who participate will test their knowledge and leadership skills through competing in a series of rounds against other JLAB teams.
The benefits of participating in JLAB are:
• Increase interest in college admissions
• Improve leadership skills
• Demonstrate the academic and leadership strengths of the JROTC program
• Boost "esprit-de-corps"
• Share your leadership experience and best practices with other JROTC units
• Earn the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital
JLAB is divided into to categories, leadership and academic.
The Leadership category focuses on the JROTC curriculum. Where cadets test the knowledge on:
• JROTC Principles
• General LET Level questions
• Thinking Maps
The academic category focuses on
• ACT Practice
• SAT Practice
• English, Science and Math Coursework
JROTC cadets learn the values of citizenship, leadership, academic competition, and college opportunity.
Teams are comprised of 6 Cadets (4 primary and 2 Alternates) for each team. Seniors cannot be on the teams and Cadets cannot be on both teams. Freshman cannot be on the Leadership Team.