I want my schedule changed, can my school counselor do that?

Each situation is different. While your school counselor would love to be able to accommodate all requests for schedule changes, this is not always possible. Sometimes classes are full or the particular class offerings are not available during a specific class period. Another common issue is that it is too far into the semester for a change to be made; schedule changes cannot be made after a  week into a semester.  Additionally, schedule changes are not made to accommodate requests for a specific teacher or to be in the same class as a friend. Typically, if a student's schedule if changed, they are notified via student email and can access his/her new schedule on FOCUS. Students are not typically called into the office to discuss his/her schedule unless the counselor has questions regarding the request. We encourage students to enter schedule change requests during the designated time each semester, however there are no guarantees that a student’s schedule will be changed.


Can I request a particular teacher/period/lunch?

We do not honor requests for certain teachers, class periods, or lunches.


How does the odd/ even day work?

We have a total of 8 classes. Four classes meet each day for 84 minutes; the next day, four different classes meet. The odd class periods (1, 3, 5, 7) are your odd/orange day classes, the even class periods (2, 4, 6, 8) are your even/green day classes. These alternate all year long.


How can I find my GPA?

GPA's are calculated twice per year after semester grades are finalized; they are posted to your academic history and you will recieve this twice a year; at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of second semester. The first time a freshman will have an official GPA is in January after semester grades are posted (unless the student took a high school course during middle school). Occasionally, seniors will need to know their GPA for a scholarship or college application. Please contact your counselor for this information.


What is the difference between weighted and unweighted GPA?

Unweighted GPA is a calculation of letter grades into a numerical format. For instance, A's are worth 4 points, B's are worth 3 points, C's are worth 2 points, D's are worth 1 point, and F's are worth 0 points. Weighted GPA gives an extra 0.02 point value added to the GPA for each honors and pre-IB class taken during a semester. AP and dual enrollment classes recieve and extra 0.04 point value each semester.


When should I start doing community service?

You should start completing community service hours as soon as possible since Florida Bright Futures Scholarships require a certain number of community service hours. Please remember that in order to have community service documented on your transcript, you must submit (4) items: a proposal, a permission form, a letter from the organization on agency letterhead, and a reflection. Check out the your class' google classroom for more information, see the page devoted to Bright Futures, or make an appointment to see your school counselor.


How is High School Athletic Eligibility determined?

In order to be eligible to participate in high school athletics, students must meet the following FHSAA criteria:

~All incoming ninth grade students are automatically eligible for athletic competition during the first semester of ninth grade.

~To be eligible for athletic competition during the first semester in the tenth grade or higher, a student must have earned at least a 2.0 GPA.

~To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester in the ninth grade or higher, a student must have earned at least a 2.0 GPA.


I am interested in participating in college athletics, what do I need to do?

Students interested in participating in college athletics should register with the NCAA Clearinghouse Eligibility Center at the beginning of their junior year and speak with Mr. Terry. Athletes will not be able to participate in College Division I or II programs without NCAA Clearinghouse approval, even if you have been accepted at the school. At the end of your junior year, a transcript will be sent to the Eligibility Center from the school counseling office. Additionally, a student should have their SAT and/or ACT scores forwarded directly to the Eligibility Center (by using Code 9999) whenever they take the SAT or ACT exam. For more information, please visit www.ncaaclearinghouse.net.


How do I send a transcript to a college?

Mrs. Barnes sends transcripts to colleges. There is a $1 fee for each transcript after your first transcript. If you need a transcript, please fill out the transcript request form (if you are under 18, your parent/guardian must sign the form) and see Mrs. Barnes during your lunch shift. If you need a transcript for a scholarship, please see Mrs. Barnes or your school counselor (these are free of charge).


How do I locate and apply for scholarships?

Scholarships are posted to the google classroom. It is important to check your google classroom frequently since updates will not be announced.


Are senior year grades important in the college admissions process?

Colleges will see first semester grades as transcripts are sent out at that time. Many schools will request mid-year reports and/or second semester grades. Final transcripts are sent at the end of senior year to colleges. A student’s decline in grades and/or courses dropped may impact admissions and/or scholarships.


Do colleges look at freshman grades?

Colleges do look at freshman grades which factor into a student’s GPA (grade point average). The GPA plays a significant part in class ranking which is started in 9th grade. It is essential that students and parents understand weighted grades and their impact on class ranking. Many colleges base their acceptance criteria on class ranking and scholarship can be affected by this ranking.


Can I receive college credit for high school courses?

Student who qualify may take dual enrollment at Florida Southwestern State College. Dual Enrollment offers students the option to take college courses while still in high school. Interested students should speak with their school counselor for further information. AP and IB classes are another way that students can receive college credit for high school courses, however it depends on a student’s test score. Additionally, some of our special programs such as Biomed, Engineering, and ATE have articulation agreements with certain school to give college credit. Please see your counselor for more information.

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