Parents and Students of Dunbar High School,
As the 2024-2025 School Year kicks off, the Attendance Committee wants to relay some very important information regarding excused and unexcused absences, school tardiness, signing out of school early, and potential credit denial for excessive abuse of the attendance policy.
Per School District Policy 4.16 an Excused Absence consists of: Illness of the student, Illness of an immediate family member, Death in the immediate family, Religious instruction or religious holidays, Court appearances or subpoenas, Scheduled medical or dental appointments.
Dunbar High School will accept parent notes to Excuse 5 absences per semester. Beyond that, absences must be accompanied by proper documentation (Doctor/Dental notes, Hospital notes, Court subpoenas, immigration papers etc), to be marked as Excused. Students will have 10 school days to turn in Parent notes to excuse absences. Formal documentation can be brought in at any time during the semester.
Once a student accumulates 10 Unexcused absences in a semester-per class, the student could lose academic credit for that class. Credit denial letters will be sent at the end of the semester. Credit loss will be designated with an L next to the student’s class in which credit was lost on their official report card.
Students can earn lost credit back the following semester by keeping their Unexcused absences below 5 days for the whole semester.
Per School District Policy 4.16, Tardiness is defined as a student not being the classroom when the class is scheduled to begin. Habitual tardiness is defined as six or more tardies to school or to an individual class per Quarter. Early Sign-Outs are defined as a parent/guardian signing out a child before the end of the school day.
Dunbar High School will no longer accept parent calls to excuse a student’s tardiness to school.
To excuse a late sign in to school, a parent must personally sign in their child in at the security desk, send a written note, or email the Attendance group on DHS email [email protected]
Dunbar High School will no longer accept parent calls for early sign outs from school, this includes during exams/state testing.
To excuse an early sign out, a parent must personally sign their child out in the front office, send a written note ( that will be verified), or email the Attendance group on DHS email [email protected] (that will be verified)
Section 3 (e)-
No student shall be released within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless the principal/designee determines it is an emergency.
All schools shall establish procedures for early release that ensure that all students are treated consistently.
Excessive early sign-outs will be addressed on a case-by case basis to determine if there is a pattern of non-attendance.
Unless excused under the provisions of this policy, accumulated early sign-outs will be recorded as unexcused absences.
These rules apply to all DHS students, no matter their age. Student that have reached 18 years of age, will follow the same rules for late sign ins and early sign outs. Extenuating circumstance will be handled on a case to case basis.
Students can earn lost credit back the following semester by keeping the Tardy days and Sign outs below 10 days for the whole semester.
If you have any questions, please call the Attendance office at Dunbar High School. 239-461-5322
We look forward to a Terrific School Year,
The DHS Attendance Committee