8th Grade Pre-IB Registration

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Future Pre-IB Tigers! It is time to make your class selection for your Pre-IB classes. If you were not able to make it to the Parent Night on Thursday, March 7, 2024, please view the presentation below. 

Pre-IB Registration 


Benefits of IB

IB students have a unique educational opportunity that sets them apart from those who complete other college preparation programs such as Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment.

IB students have the potential to earn up to one year of college credits or more, which saves families thousands of dollars in tuition and housing and allows time in college for students to study abroad and complete internships.

IB students are highly sought out by universities worldwide.More...

IB students feel more prepared for college and beyond, including being acclimated to the college environment, being prepared to write research papers, and being responsible with meeting strict deadlines, according to graduates of the program.


What will my schedule look like?

9th Grade Pre-IB

1) Pre-IB English I

2) Pre-IB Biology

3) AP World History or Honors World History

4) Math (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, AP Statistics)

5) Spanish I or French I (or level II if level I completed in middle school)

6) Graduation Requirement If Needed (Art, HOPE, or Online Course) or Elective

7) Graduation Requirement If Needed (Art, HOPE, or Online Course) or Elective

8th IB Registration

Pre-IB Registration Timeline

If you have any questions concerning Pre-IB Registration or have questions regarding graduation requirements, please make an appointment for a one-on-one Zoom conference. 

Meet to Discuss IB Questions

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